Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last post of 2006

Another year is almost over, and I'm using this last weekend of 2006, to look back at what good happened to me during it. First trip across state borders,albeit to Bulgaria but still,summer vacation to never forget, etc... Also some not so good things happened but I've managed to overcome many of them.

For 2007 i don't have some grandiose, detailed plans. I know what i like and what i would like to do with my life. I don't have some big material wishes, cause however important that thing is still a THING after all. But if i would have to put something on a list of wishes, i guess that would be - 1) a loving girlfriend 2) more illustration/graphic design work with people which appreciate my work and don't see me as a servant with "visual arts" talent.

I'll be 26 this year, and it's about time to become truly independent - mainly financially from parents, cause that would change many things for the better and it would help me, as well as them and our relations wouldn't be so "I love you, my dearest piece of shit". :) That means stop doing things for low fees or pro bono, just because I hate saying no to my friends, because they are my friends. This month i had a situation in which i couldn't do something that I said I will do pro bono for one of my friends, because I had lot to do for university or for some real, paying jobs, and my friend got pissed at me.... No more situations like that, I promise to myself