Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wanna play? I really, really do

BTW I got hooked up on one American tv show - Dexter . I guess you would have every right to call it morbid, but somehow it makes me think about what's right and what's wrong, does goal justifies every mean possible, can you do bad things like kill and not to be a bad person at the same time, how much of our lives are our conscious decisions and how much of it is consequence of our unconscious mind, our urges, our instinct.
I suggest you to watch it, definitely. But it must be seen from the start, or it's gonna be misinterpreted . It's topic is strange, maybe the characters are morbid but in the same time it's not stupid, shallow.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Exam fever!

I don't remember when was the last time I had, proper 7 or eight hours of sleep. When, in the next 10 days, i finish with these three exams left, I'm going to hide in bed for days.

Today we had snow.....for three hours.We, humanity, have really fucked up our climate.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


One of my friends asked me to draw an interpretation of Sun, so he could use that drawing as a birthday present for one of his girl friends.... So I did this inspired by Greek and Macedonian art. In other words, Helenistic art

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

26 and counting

My birthday was and now is gone. and only thing that remains is the fact that I'm 26 now. Above the "big 25". Yes!!! I have big plans for this year but still I want to enjoy in every little thing in every minute or every day. True happiness can be found in even the tiniest things or events.

I wasn't very creative these last few days, since there were couple of holidays left (thankfully there are no more left), and I had to start working on my architecture project's presentation.

But this may be interesting.It's an ink sketch of a logo I'm working these days. It's for one of my friends who's DJ, but not "classic" techno but with more "jazzy" sounds

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hristos se rodi !!

Today is Orthodox christian's Christmas and on wednesday is my birthday, so i'll take couple of days off. For that time enjoy some of my older works, as well as the latest one.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Other side of the coin

Address of this web blog is The arhitekta part means architect in Serbian, and I picked that because it was vacant and because that's something I would like to become and what I study (architecture). For now I'm not posting anything related to architecture, cause I'm relatively shy when it comes to that, but by the end of this month I'll finish one rather big project and I'll post some renderings of it then. Until that day comes, I'm posting just my personal works which I'm very proud of, not because I think they are any good, but because they are like my children, in absence of better definition. I like them just because they are mine. I hope someone else, likes them too.

But besides architecture and painting, drawing, one of my other passions or hobbies is graphic design. So today i'm posting my latest logo design, which i did for one of my DJ friends.It's a combination of headphones and oriental circular gate/door way known as Moon window, or moon you have, in one image, a DJ's headphones and logical representation of chosen name.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Warm and sunny in January

This is how I feel since New Year party.
Like every day is warm and sunny spring afternoon.
I don't have some big, laid out, plans for this year but i have a good feeling about it.

Maybe it's all because it's 4th of January and it's 12 degrees outside, and i'm wearing a t-shirt and walking bare-footed around the house. Maybe global warming is not so bad after all.

Monday, January 1, 2007


This year has started GREAT. I've had one of better parties of my lifes and i danced for, like 4 hours, like possesed. It's not about the dance, it's about letting go, letting my emotions come to the surface, not controling what i say, thinking about consequences of my acts....Simply - relaxing and letting happiness dictate present state of mind. If a day can be foretold by the way dawn has broke out, this year will be great. If I make it so. Enjoy holidays!