Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last post of 2006

Another year is almost over, and I'm using this last weekend of 2006, to look back at what good happened to me during it. First trip across state borders,albeit to Bulgaria but still,summer vacation to never forget, etc... Also some not so good things happened but I've managed to overcome many of them.

For 2007 i don't have some grandiose, detailed plans. I know what i like and what i would like to do with my life. I don't have some big material wishes, cause however important that thing is still a THING after all. But if i would have to put something on a list of wishes, i guess that would be - 1) a loving girlfriend 2) more illustration/graphic design work with people which appreciate my work and don't see me as a servant with "visual arts" talent.

I'll be 26 this year, and it's about time to become truly independent - mainly financially from parents, cause that would change many things for the better and it would help me, as well as them and our relations wouldn't be so "I love you, my dearest piece of shit". :) That means stop doing things for low fees or pro bono, just because I hate saying no to my friends, because they are my friends. This month i had a situation in which i couldn't do something that I said I will do pro bono for one of my friends, because I had lot to do for university or for some real, paying jobs, and my friend got pissed at me.... No more situations like that, I promise to myself

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmass

Merry Christmas, for all those who celebrate it tomorrow. I just hope it's white... and happy, of course

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Yeah!! I'm getting better and better. I finally feel like my lungs are not the size of two retarded peanuts which are going to burst after every step... But that's behind me now. That also means that I can drink Coke for the first time in 4 days.

One tip for anyone who reads this and is from Belgrade - If you like theatre and have someone who likes theatre too (cause it's comedy and there's always more laugh when there are more than one) go and see short (90 minutes) but more than excellent comedy - "Dve mirisne ruzhe" at "Pozorishte na Terazijama". It's named like it's some emotional, feminine drama or some mexican day-time soap opera, but in fact it's very light and very funny, originaly Spanish play). Perfect for these cold and foggy days.

Napokon sam malo ozdravio!!! Ne osecam se kao da su mi pluca velichine dva retardirana kikirikija koja ce da odapnu posle svakog koraka. Sad je sve to samo proshlost i sto je josh vaznije mogu da pijem kocu opet, odnosno po prvi put posle 4 dana.

Mali savet za sve one koji citaju ovo a iz Beograda su - obavezno, ali obavezno odgledajte predstavu "Dve mirisne ruzhe" koja se daje na sceni Pozorista na Terazijama. Naslovljena je kao da se radi o nekoj emo, feministichkoj tragediji ili nekoj latino sapunici, ali osim sto se radi o originalno spanskoj predstavi, predstava je bash naprotiv odlichna raspevana komedija, savrshena da vas razveseli u ovim jezivim i vlaznim danima prekrivenim maglom.
Samo da kazem, karta i to za centralnu lozhu je 450 dinara, sto je stvarno smeshno malo znajuci da za parter u drugim pozoristima treba dati duplo toliko.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Gore, dole, gore, dole....tako nekako moze da se opishe moze moja zivotna situacija u poslednje vreme. Prvo treba da potpishem ugovor, pa onda me mega ishejtuje jedna devojka ni krivog ni duznog (dobro mozda ne totalno, ali kada nece da saslusha minut sama je kriva), pa onda dobijem neke ponude da radim logoe sto je mega kul i sto mi uvek zaista imponuje, pa zaglavim bronhitis od koga mi se nista ne radi i ceo dan se vuchem u pidzami i totalno se ponasham kao moj machor koji spava 20 sati dnevno...Ali dobro uskoro ce valjda i ove magle po gradu da nestanu, mozda i snegu mogu da se nadam za Novu godinu i Bozic. A onda dolazi i moj rodjendan. 26-ti...lele.Secam se kada sam kevi rekao da nemam ni najmanju nameru da se zenim pre 30-te. Sada to deluje nedovoljno daleko, posebno kada vidim kako se lako veze koje traju godina raskidaju...Ali necu vishe da vas smaram, idem da pojedem josh neku kashiku meda. Bolje i to nego antibiotici.
Ovom prilikom ne kachim nista novo, nego par starijih radova koji mi dosta znache.

Up, down, up, down - that pretty much describes my life in last couple of days. First I get to sign first professional contract, then a very (maybe too much dear) dear girlfriend makes me feel like a piece of crap with no reason, then I receive offers for couple of logos and that's always cool, then I catch a nasty cold which transforms me into a zombie which sleeps 20 hours per day. I finally understand the life of my tomcat. But there's always a hope for something better. Maybe soon the fog will disappear, and the snow will finally arrive before New Year... And then my birthday !!!! 26th...Couple of years ago, I've said to my mother, that I won't marry before turning 30. Now I feel like i should bump up that milestone :)

This time I'm not posting anything new, just couple of oldies I really like.I hope you like them too.

Monday, December 11, 2006

First Professional Contract / Prvi profesionalni ugovor

Napokon je i taj trenutak dosao! Ove nedelje trebao bih, nadam se, da potpišem prvi profesionalni ugovor sa nekim domaćim klijentom. U pitanju su ilustracije pevača predstave tipa američkog vodvilja (pevanje, kabare) u stilu postera za holivudske filmove, iz njegovog zlatnog perioda (50-te i 60-te). S obzirom da sam, za skoro sedam godina poluprofesionalnog rada na polju grafickog dizajna i ilustracije, sa domacim klijentima uvek imao "polulegalnu" relaciju, sa plaćanjem striktno u keši, ovo mi mnogo znači kao prvi korak ka nekom sigurnijem, profesionalnom stanju stvari. Da ne moram da se mislim kako će me neko "zavrnuti" za veliki deo

honorara i nestati. A što je najsmešnije to mi se dešavalo samo sa najbogatijim klijentima.Izgleda da ,u ovoj zemlji, zaista najbrže do para dolaze oni koji su se davno rastali sa svojim moralom i obrazom. Ali to ne mogu da menjam, barem još ne.


Finally, that moment has arrived - I'm signing first professional contract with local client. After almost seven years of working at the level which is in no way professional i finally made to this level, where i won't have to worry about being paid for something I've done and delivered to the client. The contract is for the series of illustration which will be used for posters, invitation cards and programme for 10 cabaret, vaudeville style plays. Illustrations will be portraits of actors/singers and will be done in style of movie posters from Hollywood's golden era (50s and 60s). In couple of days I'll be posting first one, i think...