Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pozdrav svima !!! - Hello everybody!!!

Do današnjeg dana sam mislio da je blog izmišljen samo za egomanijake, koji misle da sav običan svet prosto umire čekajući da čuje šta se u njihovim, samo njima samima,interesantnim životima, dešava. A onda sam, postepeno, i za mene neprimetno, počeo da redovno posećujem par blogova poput bloga Amerikanke, trenutno nastanjene u Beogradu -, i bloga, koji posecujem zbog veoma prostih a i dalje veoma efektnih portreta coveka koji je veoma talentovan ali zbog parkinsonove bolesti, više to nije. I sam veoma često, mada ne toliko dobro kao taj čovek, crtam i uopšte izražavam mnogo češće i mnogo bolje vizuelno nego jezički, pa mi je ta tragična situacija nekako postala veoma lična i nešto što proizvodi pomešana osećanja.
I eto tako sam nekako došao do današnjeg dana, kada sam shvatio da blog i nije tako loš ako se shvati kao mesto gde se okupljaju tvoji prijatelji, koji to ne mogu u "stvarnosti", ma kako to zvučalo. A u poslednje vreme, imam dobre prijatelje, što Srba, drugova iz gimnazije koji su otišli u inostranstvo i koje možda godinama neću videti, a i stranaca sa svih meridiana. Zato će ovaj blog biti dvojezičan, ako me ne bude mrzelo da kucam sve dvaputa. Nadam se da neće.

Up until today I thought that blogs were invented for egomaniacs who thought that somebody is actually interested in what's happening in their lives, which are frankly only interesting for themselves. But then, somehow unintentionally, as a reflex, I started visiting two blogs. One is - - blog kept by an American woman living in Belgrade, which gives an interesting perspective of a stranger, visitor living in my hometown. Very informative and it makes you see what are the real flaws and also good sides of my Belgrade. Other one is - This blog is interesting cause it run by children of man who is very talented artist but now suffers from Parkinson's disease and can not continue doing the "thing", the same thing, which also my greatest hobby, maybe even more than that - drawing and painting. The story of Mr Samuel Wray is somehow very personal for me, like i can identify, what's of course rubbish, with him.
But that's how i got here and now. Today I realised that blogs are not so bad after all. They could be usefull for keeping in touch with many friends which you cannot see in real life, cause they left the country and ended 10 000 miles away in some far town, which you can only see on some screen. This is something i do. so i don't lose what most important to me - friends.

But again, maybe I'm just an egomaniac who thinks someone actually gives a shit about me :).

C'est la vie

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